For many SoHo New York is more than a location on a map, its streets and people have become an enduring inspiration and cultural landmark. The neighborhood itself has been etched out of a history which constantly encouraged and advanced the belief of seeing art in the everyday. At SOHO Enamel there is no muse greater than SoHo’s symbolic artistic spirit and eclectic beginnings.
“For me, SoHo is an ideal. It’s a confluence of artistry and commerce, a neighborhood that has both European and American sensibilities. When I think of SoHo, I don’t think of the neighborhood solely in geographic terms. I think of the people who embody the best of what that neighborhood brings to life.”
“We've always designed for that savvy woman who’s ready for the next adventure, who knows who she is and can transform from day into evening with the addition of a few simple pieces. I see her in our boutique in New York and around the world when I travel.”
-Ceava Kats
Creative Director SOHO Enamel